Electronic plans review has become mandatory as the State of New Jersey passed a law at the end of April 2021 requiring all local governments in the Garden State to implement an electronic plan review process.
The State of Florida has a similar bill proposed for all counties and municipalities in this Sunshine State. And dozens of cities have already started the transition on their own.

We realized this a while back when we were told by one of our New Jersey clients that Governor Phil Murphy signed Assembly Bill 1145 into law. To comply, our client needed a Windows-based eplan review workstation for his department to use with their chosen permitting and mark-up software.
They purchased an FM-ELT554K with their approved budget funds:
Electronic plans review – A cost-effective and green approach
Electronic plans review is an industry-wide trend that has been gaining momentum for the last several years. The transition has started. The benefits to each county and city/municipality are enormous. They save immediate costs on printing, scanning, and archiving paper plans. This also tremendously makes the process much greener. Any submission made by your residents or developers is fast and easy. Your cycle times are reduced, and clients are much happier.

iPlanTables provides wide-format touchscreen workstations to complete the e-plan review process and provides a “better than paper” solution.
We want you to take a look at the feedback our clients provide after installing our workstations:
“We are buying one unit. Go away, and we will call you if we like it.” {This customer purchased 19 more units}
“An employee changed jobs – his one demand? He had to have an iPlanTables workstation as he had at his last job.” (This client purchased two workstations).
“We love our iPlanTables workstations. They have taken a job we dread to one that we actually enjoy – yes enjoy!”
Or click these links to …
… see our Desktop Commander model for your existing desktops
… see a preview video of the Desktop Commander in action or
… listen to some FAQ&As from our existing Plan Review clients
There is no “one size fits all” solution for switching from paper-based review processes to electronic ones
We work with every client to discuss your procedure and the best solution for your departments and plan reviewers.
To see a list of clients, click here and scroll down to our list of National Clients. We’re sure you’ll recognize a few of them!
An iPlanTables can help make your electronic plans review process just as painless as our New Jersey client.

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